A Special Invite To All Of Our Premium Spanish Coaching Clients

Learn how you can refer us & our work to family, friends, colleagues, or acquaintances, speak about your transformation and get additional benefit!

>>Click Here To Refer a Friend!

  Introducing...The NEW & Exclusive 

Premium Spanish Coaching™️ Partner Program

Got a question for you, buddy!

Are you truly psyched and amazed by our programs and the transformation you've went through so far? And you'd also love to recommend it to friends, family or colleagues? 

Then this might be the time to take advantage of our NEW epic partner program!

We, the team of Premium Spanish Coaching™️, know for a fact, that there's a pretty high chance that you're super-satisfied with our coaching and that you've also already told other people about it – and we want to reward you for that!

This is what you'll get when you refer someone to us

Should your recommended contact be a good fit for us AND also decides to join the program, then you'll have three options to choose from every time:



2 Weeks of Extra Amazing Coaching With the Team

You have the opportunity to get extended support on top of your current coaching program. 

This will be a prolonged 2 weeks of extra support, feedback & accountability to master your Spanish.

Keep reading, on this site you'll find more information how you can claim every single one of these benefits.


Commissions On every Successful Referral

For every contact you referred and that decides to work with us together, you'll receive a 10% commission.


Donation of Your Choice

If you choose donation, 10% will go to the charity of your choice for every contact you referred that decides to work with us together.

>> Click Here To Refer a Friend!

How Does This Reward System Work?

First, you refer us to friends, colleagues or acquaintances.

If you know someone, who would like to take their Spanish to the next level, and could benefit from our help, just send us his contact -- a WhatsApp number will suffice!

Second, free Consultation Session with the referred contact.

Somebody of our team will reach out to the person and find out whether we can help him and how we can help him. And if that's the case, then we will schedule a free consultation session with him.


Third, we get a new client and reward you for that!

If your referred friend decides to become a client of us and signs a valid contract agreement, we will add a point to your balance and award you with your chosen benefit.

>> Click Here To Refer A Friend!

What kind of people can/should you refer to us?


You can send people to us who fulfill these requirements:

Note: Due to simplicity, we're using 'he' as the gender-neutral third-person label instead of referring to 'he or she' in every instance of a sentence. Both genders are dearly welcome and included.

  • Be willing to take their Spanish to the next level.
  • Big Motivations to do that.
  • Outside the box thinkers, he believes there's more to life than the traditional ways of learning Spanish. He rather goes against the mainstream instead of swimming with it. He knows that he is destined to do something bigger in his life.
  • Work Ethic, he doesn't dread doing the work – quite the opposite – he actually enjoys the process of putting the time that is necessary to to take his Spanish to the next level.
  • Be able to follow Instructions & Execute. 
  • Have a positive outlook on life, he understands that it’s his life he is totally responsible for and no matter what happens to him, there's at least 80% of things, thoughts and actions he can CONTROL.
  • Push themselves through Challenges.
  • Be responsible for what they want to Achieve & don't blame others or outside forces.
Click Here To Refer A Friend!